Thursday, December 12, 2013

Final Project... my game: Dino Crazy

Today, I showed some of my classmates my final project for our Game Studies class. I made a game on game maker that had a dinosaur as the main character. The dinosaur could move by using the arrow keys and shoot lasers by pressing the space bar key. If the space bar keys and arrow keys were pressed at the same time they would make him jump or rather fly.

The object game was to make the dinosaur stay away from shooting meteors from space and bad guys that moved down below on the ground. The player could fly and avoid all the evil things while collected coins to produce the highest score.

For the most part, my classmates really liked my game. Although it was confusing for some of them, because I didn't add directions to the game until later. Overall, I really liked the final product of my game.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Are games... Art?

I read an article online called, "Persuasive Games:The Proceduralist Style" by Ian Bogost; where the author talked about are games art? To be honest there is absolutely no real answer for this question. In fact, in the article Jim Preston wrote exactly that. He said, "To think that there is a single, generally agrees upon concept of art is to get it precisely backwards. Americans' attitude towards art is profoundly divided, disjointed and confused; and my message to gamers is to simply ignore the 'is-it-art' debate altogether."

I think Preston told the truth there. The community of gamers can't and shouldn't ask that question because there is no answer for it. Today, we still don't know how to define art. If we can't define art, how could we classify something as art? 

Personally, I think some games could be classified as art. Some games have a deeper meaning for the gamer other than just entertaining them. For example, there is a number of games out there that hold meaning about life, about feeling alone, or about racism. I think games is just simply, just another art form. Sure, not all games are art but some very well should be!